Dialogue best option...

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The second reason is related to the developments in West Asia and the Gaza and Lebanon conflicts. Europeans view Iran as the primary supporter of the Resistance Front and believe that by applying political pressure, they can influence Tehran’s level of support for resistance groups. Moreover, Europeans think that Iran is geopolitically weak for the time being.
The third reason, which is more significant, is the EU’s claim of Iran’s military cooperation with Russia against Ukraine. Although Tehran has denied these allegations, Europeans assert that Iran’s assistance and supply of ballistic missiles to Russia is a certainty, which has led to their dissatisfaction with Iran. From the EU’s perspective, Russia currently poses a security threat to Europe, and Iran’s military cooperation with Russia has made Tehran a security threat as well. Consequently, the EU has entered a security phase in its relations with Iran. Therefore, the joint statement by the EU and the GCC is a high-level pressure tactic aimed at forcing Iran to make concessions on its relations with Russia, West Asian developments, the nuclear file, and cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency.
However, it seems that the EU’s stance and pressure on Iran are a mistake. The new Iranian government has repeatedly expressed its willingness to cooperate and engage in dialogue. The EU’s approach, however, closes the door to dialogue and cooperation. Moreover, the claim that the triple islands belong to the UAE will have no international impact and will only increase public resentment in Iran toward Europe. Iranians are extremely sensitive about their territorial integrity, as seen in the widespread public criticism of China and Russia.
It appears that a better approach between Iran and Europe would be interaction and dialogue. It would be fitting for the EU to pursue a diplomatic path, especially since the new Iranian government has made interaction and balancing its foreign policy a priority.

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