Iran strongly condemns Australian sanctions

Iran strongly condemned Australia’s sanctions against several Iranian senior officials, entities and companies allegedly over the country’s peaceful missile and drone programs.
Australia’s sanctions against Iran came on Tuesday a month after Tehran launched missile and drone attacks on the Israeli regime to punish it for an airstrike that killed Iranian generals in a diplomatic mission in Syria, Press TV reported.
Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani slammed the silence of Australia and its allies in the face of Israel’s violations of international law and its recent attack on the Iranian embassy premises in Syria.
Kanaani said this silence proves the double-standard approach adopted by Australia and its allies to developments in Middle East.
He said that Australia and its partners remained silent “regarding the aggressive action and violation of international law and human rights by the Zionist regime in attacking the diplomatic headquarters of the Islamic Republic of Iran.”  
The spokesman said such an approach only encourages Israelis to further violate the rules of international law and commit more war crimes.
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