Raisi: Muslim cultural figures shoud counter distortion of Gaza realities

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi underlined the importance of the Muslim world’s cultural figures in countering the enemies’ plot to distort realities in the Gaza Strip.
He made the remarks in a meeting with a group of prominent writers and cultural figures from the Islamic world, who have participated in the 35th Tehran’s International Book Fair.
Raisi said that enemy, using its media empire, is seeking to mislead the world’s public opinion in the issue of Gaza by distorting realities in the Palestinian territory.
He said that today the issue of Palestine has become the first and common issue of all Muslim and freedom-seeking nations of the world, calling the unprecedented unity a basis for the final victory of the Palestinian nation.
Despite the enemy’s efforts to induce despair among the Islamic Ummah, the resistance of the freedom-seeking nations in the face of the historical oppression against the people of Gaza promises the victory of the Palestinian nation and the destruction of the criminal Israeli regime.

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