Biden’s administration turning a blind eye to Israel’s crimes

By Syed Ali

Iran Daily’s correspondent
in Pakistan

Despite Washington’s pro-Israel policies, countries in South America have protested against Israel’s brutal attacks on Gaza. Bolivia and Belize had severed diplomatic relations with Israel due to its aggressive actions, and now Colombian President Gustavo Petro has announced that his country is also cutting diplomatic ties with Tel Aviv in response to attacks on Rafah. He has also called on the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to issue arrest warrants for the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Petro stated that Netanyahu will not stop the genocide, so the need to issue their warrants for arrest has become even more urgent.
Colombia, an important country in South America, has announced its inclusion in the case of genocide filed against Israel by South Africa in the ICJ. The court ruled in January that genocide and Israeli attacks in Gaza pose a serious threat, but it did not order Israel to cease hostilities, which gave Israel further opportunity for more genocide of Palestinians.
The actions taken by South Africa and South American states against Israel will be remembered as a golden chapter in world history. However, when we analyze the reactions of Muslim countries over the genocide in Gaza, the heart sheds tears of blood. If Muslim countries only stop selling oil to Israel, it can increase pressure on the Israeli rulers. The United Arab Emirates and Azerbaijan are the Muslim countries that meet 40 to 60 percent of Israel’s oil needs, while Saudi Arabia and Turkey are also involved in providing crude to Israel. Imagine if these Muslim countries stop supplying Israel with oil, then the bullets fired from its tanks and aircraft would not take the lives of Palestinian mothers, sisters, and children. Eighty percent of Gaza’s 2.3 million population has become homeless due to Israeli aggression. Many neighborhoods and areas have been reduced to rubble while more than 35,000 Palestinians have been killed. Despite this, Israel has started attacks on Rafah and ordered the evacuation of temporary settlements for more than one million Palestinians. Israeli ground forces are forcibly evacuating Palestinians.
After approving the attacks on Rafah by Israel’s war cabinet, the US has temporarily stopped the supply of bombs that destroy concrete bunkers. It includes bombs weighing between 1,800 and 2,000 pounds and between 1,700 and 500 pounds. Washington’s punitive action against Israel is extremely inadequate because billions of dollars’ worth of American weapons are in the firm pipeline for Israel, including tanks, bullets and F-35 components. Moreover, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has halted the process of reaching a conclusion in Congress on a critical report on Israel’s use of US weapons against civilians in Gaza.
The report stated that Israel has violated the terms of the use of weapons. If Blinken does not stop this action, not only will Israel have to face US legal actions, but the Biden administration will also have to take tougher punitive measures against Israel. Here again, the Biden administration has tried to turn a blind eye to Israel’s crimes in the eyes of the world.

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