Know-how to produce fire-safe polymers indigenized

The researchers of a new technology-based firm (NTBF) based in the Incubation Center of the Materials and Energy Research Center (MERC) have achieved the technology of making fire-safe polymers.
Mahmoud Shahriari, the managing director of the Barad Materials and Technology Innovators Company, stated that by achieving the know-how to produce fire-safe polymers, the NTBF succeeded in designing as well as production of the parts needed by several industries, according to a report by
The technology developer went on to say that the price of fire-safe polymers made by his firm is totally affordable as are offered to the markets with a third of the price of similar foreign-made parts.
Pointing to the advantages of the said product, he noted that the indigenized product is resistant to degradation at high temperatures.
“The automatic glass, tile and ceramic production line machineries enjoy advanced technology as operate at high speed and temperature,” Shahriari stated adding that fire-safe polymers by his NTBF meet the standards for the said machineries.
Stating that this technology is used for various industries, he said “In addition to the glass and tile industries, the know-how is being further developed by our firm to be used in more industries operated at higher temperature, including parts related to heat treatment furnaces, heaters, crucibles.
According to the report, several parts used in the glassware and tile industry have been indigenized with the noted technology.
As stated, fire-safe polymers are polymers that are resistant to degradation at high temperatures. There is also dire need for fire-resistant polymers in the construction of small, enclosed spaces such as skyscrapers, boats, and airplane cabins. In these tight spaces, ability to escape in the event of a fire is compromised, increasing fire risk. Fire-safe polymers also find application as adhesives in aerospace materials, insulation for electronics, and in materials such as canvas tenting.
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