Nameplate capacity of power stations up by 9,000MW: Official

The electricity generation capacity of power plants in Iran has increased by about 9,000MW in less than three years, announced an official at the Thermal Power Plants Holding Company (TPPH) on Tuesday.
Hadi Modaqeq, the director general of the macroplanning office of the TPPH pointed to the synchronization of 46 newly-inaugurated thermal power plants with a total capacity of 6,584MW since August 2021, saying that all efforts were done to reduce shortages across the country and to have sustainable power grid, IRNA reported.
He also added that steam units with a total generation capacity of 2,380 megawatts have been connected to the nationwide electricity grid since August 2021.
Electricity generation capacity of thermal power plants in Iran currently stands at 75,584MW, the official announced noting that a sum of over 9,000MW will be added to the figure by August 2025.
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