Annual foreign investment in Iran tops $4b: Deputy economy minister

The value of foreign investment in Iran within the framework of Direct Foreign Investment (FDI) has reached more than $4 billion, the head of the Organization of Investment, Economic and Technical Assistant of Iran (OIETAI) announced.
Iran’s Deputy Economy Minister Ali Fekri said that the current Iranian government, in office since August 2021, has attracted over $4 billion in foreign investments annually.
Turning to Iran’s accession to several major international and regional organizations, he said that Iran’s relations were revitalized with international banks and regional organizations like the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and the BRICS group of emerging economies to a great extent in the current administration.
He added that Iran’s economic relations with most countries are on a growth trajectory in spite of the sanctions imposed against the country.
Earlier, the organization announced that Iran’s Foreign Investment Board, in its latest session, approved $1.2 billion worth of projects within the framework of the FDI in various economic sectors.

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