Iran seeking higher share in economy of the sea: PMO chief

The chief executive of Iran’s Ports and Maritime Organization (PMO) said there are plans for efforts next year (starting March 20, 2024) to increase the share of the sea in the country’s economy.
The organization will take effective steps in the upcoming year to implement three strategies in the fields of the “economy of the sea,” “transit,” and “logistics management,” Ali Akbar Safaei said, IRNA reported.
Speaking at the annual conference of the PMO managers, he said pursuing the deployment and participation of the permanent representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran at the International Maritime Organization (IMO) is one of the strategies that will be followed up in the international division of the organization.
The development of transit and foreign investment at ports are other strategies that should be improved in line with developing economic cooperation with the neighboring states, the deputy roads minister emphasized.
Elsewhere in his remarks, Safaei said the development of transit will be one of the pivotal programs of the organization next year, IRNA reported.
Growth of logistics and boosting the business environment at sea and ports are other strategies that will be followed by the organization in the next Iranian calendar year, Safaei noted.
He added that his organization will focus on spurring domestic and foreign investment in port projects and use all its capacities to renovate ports and maritime equipment in the upcoming year.


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