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Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Ninety Four - 27 January 2024
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Ninety Four - 27 January 2024 - Page 2

Iran plans to export renewables-oriented electricity: SATBA

The head of Iran’s Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Organization (SATBA) said that planning is underway to export electricity generated by wind and solar power plants in the country.
Mahmoud Kamani put the current generation capacity of the renewable power plants in Iran at 1,122 megawatts, adding that the construction operation of new power plants, with a total capacity of 11,000 megawatts, is underway in the country, IRNA reported.
Three countries, namely, Turkey, Pakistan and Afghanistan will be the destinations of Iran’s export of renewable energy, Kamani added.
Speaking on the sidelines of the 13th International Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Exhibition, he said that tender notices have been launched for the construction of a 4,500-MW solar power plant.
He added that his organization has reached an agreement with the National Development Fund of Iran for the construction operation of a 10,000-MW renewable power plant, costing about $5 billion.

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