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Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Ninety Four - 27 January 2024
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Ninety Four - 27 January 2024 - Page 2

Iran, Turkey sign 10 agreements


Top officials from Iran and Turkey signed 10 cooperation documents in various fields during Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi’s official visit to Ankara, as the two neighbors weighed plans to meet the target of $30 billion in annual trade exchange.
Raisi traveled to Ankara on Wednesday for his first visit to Turkey as the president of Iran, Tasnim News Agency reported.
Following the eighth meeting of the High Council of Iran-Turkey Cooperation in the evening, senior officials from the two countries signed 10 cooperation documents in the fields of culture, media and communications, rail and air transportation, electricity, energy, and economic and free trade zones.
Speaking at a joint press conference with his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Raisi highlighted the determination of the authorities of the two countries to promote relations in various sectors, especially in the commercial and economic fields.
“We believe that the two countries, with their very high capacities, can take important steps in the path of development and leap in relations, and in this regard, in the first stage, it is targeted to increase commercial and economic cooperation to $30 billion, which, with the efforts of economic leaders of the two countries, is completely possible,” Raisi said, his official website reported.
He also described the serious will of the regional countries in the fight against terrorism as the only way to create stability and security in the region, adding, “The Islamic Republic of Iran considers the security of Turkey and other countries in the region as its own security, the smallest insecurity in a corner of the region affects stability and security of the entire region; therefore, the cooperation of the countries of the region in this field and in the direction of neutralizing the conspiracy of the hegemonic system to sow discord among the nations of the region to create insecurity will be very effective.”

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