Iran, Iraq keen on enhancing ICT ties

Officials from Iran and Iraq stressed the need to strengthen cooperation in the field of Information and Communications Technology (ICT).
Iran’s Minister of Information and Communications Technology Issa Zarepour, in a meeting with his Iraqi counterpart in Baghdad, pointed to the high capabilities and potential of Iran in the field of implementing communications projects in Iraq, and called for the continuation of cooperation in this sector, Tasnim news agency reported. The two countries share ample commonalities that can be used for the development of relations in different fields, including ICT, he said.  Turning to the implementation of the previous agreements inked between the two countries in the ICT sector, Zarepour emphasized that the Islamic Republic is ready to participate in mega Internet and communications projects in Iraq.
The minister pointed to the launch of a direct link between Iran and Iraq during Arbaeen ceremonies as well as the eye-catching improvement of the quality of communications and emphasized that the direct communications link between Tehran and Baghdad should be further strengthened.
Iraqi Minister of Communications Hiyam al-Yasiri, for her part, appreciated Iran’s achievements in the ICT sector and added that the result of close cooperation between the ICT ministries of the two countries was observed during Arbaeen ceremonies. Favorable services were rendered to the pilgrims during the Arbaeen rituals and it seems necessary that the two countries should continue their cooperation in this field, she underlined.

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