Development of nuclear power plants strengthens Iran: VP

The second meeting of the working group for the development of Iranian nuclear power plants for the production of 20,000 megawatts was held on Tuesday, under the chairmanship of First Vice President Mohammad Mokhber.
In the meeting, a report was presented on the construction of units 2 and 3 of the Bushehr Nuclear Power Plant, with a total investment of $476 million, which was halted for five years, according to
Speaking at the meeting, Mokhber described the construction of nuclear power plants as an important and necessary step towards providing stable electricity, saying that it is also a strong movement in the direction of making Iran a strong country, so all organizations must provide the necessary support for the project.
The construction of nuclear power plants with a total production capacity of 20,000 megawatts is one of the signs of the country’s authority, the top official noted.
The construction of a nuclear power plant has a great importance for Iran in order to provide health, food security, pharmaceutical security, scientific promotion, and economically, as it has constructive effects.
“According to the reports, each 1,000 MW of electricity produced by nuclear power plants can save about €1 billion per annum in the consumption of fossil fuels.”
He emphasized the need to prepare a comprehensive plan for the construction of nuclear power plants based on land-use planning, adding that it is necessary for the Ministry of Energy and the Atomic Energy Organization to hold joint meetings on developing the plan.
In general, the development of renewable energies and the construction of nuclear power plants is a necessary, useful and beneficial measure for the country, as has been prioritized by the current government, Mokhber said.
In the meeting, which was attended by the ministers of energy and economy, Mohammad Eslami, the head of the Atomic Energy Organization presented a report on the development of the Bushehr Nuclear Power Plant, saying that 3,000 people are currently working on the project.

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