Raisi to submit budget bill to Parliament next week: PBO

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi will submit a bill to Parliament outlining a draft budget for the Iranian year 1403, which will start on March 20, 2024, announced the head of the Plan and Budget Organization (PBO) on Tuesday.
Davoud Manzour added that the budget bill of 1403 has been prepared in compliance with the goals of the Seventh Economic Development Plan of the country, IRNA reported.
According to the draft budget, oil exports have been projected at a price of $71 per barrel, said the PBO head, noting that the budget bill is aimed at reduction of inflation next year.
Manzour went on to say that a total of 980 unfinished projects will be completed next year.
Tax revenues will increase by 42% compared to the current Iranian year, as oil revenues will drop by 3%.
The general budget resources in the bill have been targeted at about $49.24 billion (24.62 quadrillion rials), which has increased by 18% compared to the figure for current year’s budget bill.
Oil revenues of the country is estimated at $11.7 billion (5.85 quadrillion rials) according to the bill, as tax revenues of the government will be $29.92 billion (14.96 quadrillion rials).

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