Iranian director keen on making films on drug addiction

By Sadeq Dehqan
Staff writer

Iranian film director-cum-screenwriter, Manouchehr Hadi, declared drug addiction as an interesting subject in cinematic production.
Hadi expressed his interest in making films with drug addiction themes, which are not only compelling but also educational and influential.
In an exclusive interview with Iran Daily, Hadi said, “Drug addiction is of great significance in the creation of cinematic works, spanning genres from drama to even comedy. It provides a rich narrative that can yield engaging cinematic pieces.”
Hadi further stated, “If the Iran Drug Control Headquarters commissions a film or series on this subject, I would gladly take on the project. Providing the necessary financial resources is the key to such projects. As a director, I wish for an opportunity to create a work unburdened by financial constraints, allowing me to write a high-profile story that could attract a large number of audiences.”
Addressing his appointment as an ambassador for preventing addiction, Hadi remarked, “I am honored to be selected as an ambassador for addiction prevention. However, I believe this mission and opportunity should be handed over to those with expertise in the field who can dedicate more time to this issue.”
“I lack expertise in addiction prevention, but in my professional field, I strive to be useful and influential in this area,” he added.
Highlighting effective measures for addiction prevention, Hadi emphasized the significance of choosing good friends.
He stated, “Families and, subsequently, the education system and schools must provide the necessary guidance to all students and children regarding the selection of friends.”
Discussing the influence of friends on individuals’ lives and character development, Hadi said, “In certain situations, the influence a misguided friend can have on a person’s life, shaping the course of their future and casting a shadow over their destiny, may surpass that of an enemy. Conversely, in life’s scenarios, a good and devoted friend might contribute more positively than even one’s own family.”
Hadi urged parents to be cautious, emphasizing, “Parents should be mindful of their children’s friendships and intelligently manage them to guide their children away from addiction.”
As part of the Iran Drug Control Headquarters’ initiatives, utilizing the potential of artists, athletes, and influential figures in cultural promotion and drug prevention, appointing them as ambassadors for addiction prevention stands as a crucial program in the fight against drug addiction.


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