Official: NIGC importing gas from Turkmenistan

The dispatching head of the National Iranian Gas Company (NIGC) put the current gas volume imported from Turkmenistan into the country at 7.5 million cubic meters (mcm).
Speaking to reporters on Saturday, Saeed Aqli stated that 93 percent of the fuel used in power plants in the country has been supplied by the National Iranian Gas Company for generating electricity, Tasnim news
agency reported.
Presently, repair and maintenance services of refineries are either underway or completed in order to forward the gas to the farthermost regions of the country in the cold season of the year, he further said.
The country is home to more than 39,000km of gas transmission network and 400,000km of electricity distribution grid, he added. In response to a question on importing gas from Turkmenistan, the manager said that Iran is importing gas from Turkmenistan and has so far imported 10 million cubic meters of gas from this country. He put the volume of gas imported from Turkmenistan to Iran at 7.5 million cubic meters.
Regarding the latest situation of gas swap deal with Turkmenistan, the official noted that gas swap will be made according to the request of the Republic of Azerbaijan.


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