Raeisi: United Muslim world ‘greatest barrier’ to imperialism

Iranian President Ebrahim Raeisi said a united Muslim world poses the biggest obstacle to the realization of the objectives of global imperialism in the post-World War II era.
Addressing a meeting of Sunni religious scholars in Tehran on Thursday, Raeisi noted that the “global arrogance” has created obstacles in the path of Muslims trying to make progress, spread propaganda via their media empire, and formed Takfiri terrorist groups to cause bloodshed among Muslims, Press TV reported.
He added that the “global arrogance” has created obstacles in the path of Muslims trying to make progress, spread propaganda via their media empire, and formed Takfiri terrorist groups to cause bloodshed among Muslims.
They also insulted Muslims’ sanctities, particularly Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) and the Holy Qur’an, to oppose Muslim nations, he said.
Elsewhere in his address, the Iranian president said regional developments are taking place in favor of the resistance front, adding, “The current situation in Palestine cannot be compared with the one in the past.”
Raeisi emphasized that the Palestine Liberation Organization made decisions for Palestinians in the past, but the Palestinian fighters are currently taking the initiative.
He said the resistance is the victorious front on the battlefield, and “there is no talk of compromise and capitulation in the Palestinian literature anymore”.
Raeisi also highlighted that the rhetoric of attacking Iran has been removed from the arrogant powers’ language “because the Iran of today is different and [more] powerful compared to the Iran of yesterday”.
The Islamic Republic owes its power to the martyrs’ blood, including its 15,000 Sunni martyrs, and the presence of Iranian men and women in various political scenes, he noted.
The Iranian chief executive also said that a new world order would be established with the collapse of the US and other arrogant powers.
“The regional and extra-regional coalitions and treaties among emerging powers, including BRICS and the Shanghai [Cooperation Organization], oppose the unilateralism of the current hegemonic system,” Raeisi said.

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