Iranian Ajdari among top six Hollywood musicians

Tasnim – Iranian composer and musician, Mohammadreza Ajdari, with his composition ‘Autumn Girl’, secured a spot among the top six musicians in the instrumental category of the Hollywood Independent Music Awards 2023.
Ajdari, as the sole representative from Iran in the instrumental music category, showcased his talent and placed both his name and his country among the elite in the Hollywood Independent Music Awards 2023.
Last year, Ajdari’s ‘Nil’ drove him into the top 10 global contenders at the Hollywood Music Awards.
Earlier, the Iranian composer won a silver medal in the instrumental category of the Global Music Awards 2023. Ajdari, a graduate of Tehran University, specializes in international instrumental performance.
Founding the Padramad Orchestra in 2014, he conducted numerous concerts until 2017 and since then, shifted his focus towards producing his own works.
In 2018, he unveiled his first work, ‘Miracle of Love’. Throughout the previous years, he has consistently released a host of individual compositions.
Ajdari’s works are characterized by a serene, New Age style, providing listeners with a tranquil experience upon engaging with his compositions.

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