Achaemenid, Sassanian works shine in Hamedan exhibition

A collection of 11 exquisite Achaemenid and Sassanian artifacts is on display in Hegmataneh Museum, coinciding with the UNESCO assessor’s visit to Hamedan.
The exhibition features 11 masterpieces crafted from gold and silver, spanning the eras of Achaemenid to Sassanian.
According to ISNA, the displayed items include a golden rhyton adorned with a lion and bird wings, a golden Achaemenid dagger, a Sassanian silver plate, a silver Achaemenid rhyton, a stone capital from the Achaemenid period featuring an intricately carved bull, a golden Achaemenid bowl, a silver Achaemenid amphora, a silver plate depicting a Sassanian queen, and a golden Achaemenid bracelet.
The gilded and golden collection, discovered in the ancient precincts of Hamedan, is normally housed in the National Museum of Iran. For this temporary display, the artifacts have been carefully transported to the Hegmataneh Museum with security measures in place.
The occasion of the UNESCO delegate’s visit to Hamedan and showcasing the ancient artifacts is being done with a focus on the Hegmataneh archaeological site. Pending a positive evaluation and UNESCO’s confirmation, the dossier for ‘Hegmataneh and the historical center of Hamadan’ is ready for global recognition at a future UNESCO assembly.
The exhibition will run through August 28.

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