This year’s festival will feature ‘Sima’s Unfinished Narration,’ directed by Alireza Samadi and produced by Majid Reza Bala, in the competitive section. Meanwhile, ‘Hook,’ directed by Hossein Rigi and produced by Ali Ashtiani Pour, along with ‘Captain,’ directed by Mohammad Hamzeh and produced by Saber Emami, will be part of the World Cinema section, IRNA reported.
Last year, the Farabi Cinema Foundation also participated in the festival with ‘Captain’ and ‘Leather Jacket.’ Due to the positive reception that ‘Captain’ received; the film has made a return to this year’s selection. Notably, ‘Sima’s Unfinished Narration’ will serve as the opening film for the event.
The 22nd Chennai International Film Festival is scheduled to run from December 12 to December 19.