On Tuesday, Abbas Aliabadi stated that due to potential fuel shortages, 5,000 megawatts of power plants were taken offline the previous day, noting that the remaining plants are ready to generate electricity, IRNA reported.
Aliabadi emphasized that while power plants are fully prepared to produce electricity, they are facing challenges in fuel supply.
He urged the public to cooperate in overcoming the hardships of the winter season.
The minister further highlighted that one of his ministry’s key initiatives is creating a more attractive business environment in the electricity production market, including paying off all debts to energy sector contractors.
Aliabadi noted that combined-cycle power plants have achieved a 60 percent efficiency rate, and efficiency in other plants remains lower, necessitating efforts to improve their performance.
Renewables capacity to hit 30,000 MW
Meanwhile on Tuesday, the head of Iran’s Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Organization (SATBA) announced plans to increase the country’s renewable energy capacity to approximately 30,000 megawatts before the end of the sitting administration.
Mohsen Tarztalab said 25,000 megawatts of this capacity would come from solar power plants, while the remaining 5,000 megawatts would be generated via wind farms.