Iran ready to export techno-engineering services in construction: MP

Iran enjoys great potential in the field of construction, said the spokesman of the Civil Committee of the Parliament, adding that the skills of Iranian companies in the field of construction is outstanding the region, as now the ground is paved for exporting techno-engineering services in the construction sector to neighboring countries and global markets.
Talking to Iran Daily, Sodeif Badri also noted that the construction industry in Iran has advantages over other rivals thanks to its experienced and trained manpower, including our competitive price in the market as well as the diversity of work of Iranian companies in the field of construction.
He went on to say that on this basis, other countries and especially neighbors welcome Iranian constructers and contractors for their projects.
Iran’s infrastructures of technical and engineering facilities are available in terms of equipment, logistics and human resources, the lawmaker said, calling for the removal of obstacles to the presence of Iranian companies in the regional markets, including sanctions that affect money transfers.
Major Iranian construction companies have completed large housing construction projects in neighboring countries, including Iraq, as well as distant countries such as Venezuela, in the past, and these projects will continue in the future.
The MP stated that several years ago, we started a huge residential construction project in Venezuela by building 3,000 housing units during the presidency of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, adding that the total number increased to 10,000 units after joining another consortium to construct housing projects in the Latin American country.
“Exporting technical and engineering services in the field of construction can fetch considerable income for the country so we should take advantage of the opportunity by attending foreign markets,” he added.
Regarding the policies of house building and mass construction by the new Iranian government, Badri said President Pezeshkian and Minister of Roads and Urban Development Farzaneh Sadeq-Malvajard have placed a premium on the implementation of the law of leap in housing production and other residential unit projects in the country.
The government plans to build one million residential units annually and within four years a total of four million units is to be constructed which will help to meet part of the needs in the country.

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