Iran Navy has ...

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The Islamic Republic of Iran’s Navy, through the adoption of various and diverse tactics, guaranteed the security of Iranian and other friendly and allied countries’ ships in escort operations.
The role of the Iranian Navy during the eight-year Sacred Defense was not limited to defensive operations at sea, but rather it was a symbol of national identity, loyalty to the homeland, and a great test that, by the grace of God, the Iranian Army emerged victorious and proud in the face of the Iranian Islamic nation.
Another important aspect of the Iranian Navy’s role was deterrence against other regional and trans-regional powers. After the failure and complete destruction of the Iraqi Ba’athist Navy in direct naval warfare, Iraq and its regional supporters tried to pressure the Islamic Republic of Iran through increased tensions in the Persian Gulf. Especially in the final years of the war, with the increased presence of the US Navy and other Western countries in the region, the Iranian Navy’s role in countering these threats and protecting national sovereignty became more important.
During this period, the Iranian Navy, in interaction and cooperation with its brothers in the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Navy, was able to prove its effective presence and maritime dominance in the Persian Gulf and the Strait of Hormuz, and respond to threats from the presence of unauthorized foreign forces. This not only helped maintain our country’s sovereignty but also created deterrence that caused Western powers to refrain from taking any direct military action against Iran.
Therefore, the eight-year imposed war provided an opportunity for the Iranian armed forces, especially the Iranian Navy, to prove their loyalty and commitment to defending the homeland in the most difficult conditions, and with the unparalleled bravery and sacrifices of its devoted personnel, create a lasting and historical identity for the Iranian nation.
This great test showed that the Iranian Navy, relying on faith, experience, expertise, discipline, and training, uniquely and with all its might, stood against the fully armed enemy and that no threat could undermine the iron will and commitment of this force in defending the people and national interests of our country in the seas and throughout the region’s strategic geography.
The imposed war was an opportunity for the glorious army of the Islamic Republic of Iran not only to defend the land of Iran but also to secure an everlasting place in the hearts and minds of our people as the vigilant and true guardians of the nation. The Iranian Navy, by supporting the war-torn Iranian economy and defending the country’s vital resources, not only consolidated its position as a strategic and strong force but also created a new identity for Iran after the Islamic Revolution with every victory and sacrifice. Every success of this force was a manifestation of the spirit of resistance and selflessness of the people of this land.
The Iranian Navy, by maintaining the security of the Persian Gulf and controlling the Strait of Hormuz against any external threat, defended Iran’s territorial integrity and showed the world that Iran, as an independent nation, would never allow foreign powers to encroach on its soil and water. This demonstration of power was a military achievement and it was rooted in the depth of Iranian identity as a people who have always stood against foreign aggression.
Each time the Iranian Navy defended the Strait of Hormuz, it conveyed a message to the world that the country possesses military strength and is a nation of dignity and authority that will never yield to force and aggression.
After the end of the imposed war, the Navy of the Islamic Republic of Iran has continued its identity-creating role under the leadership of the Commander-in-Chief of the Iranian Armed Forces. The force, by strengthening its will and self-confidence, as well as relying on its indigenous capabilities and equipment, demonstrated its powerful presence in the oceanic arenas through the successful mission of the 86th Naval Group, showcasing its power to the powerful nations, and as one of the pillars of power and territory-building of the country in the defensive and military arenas, relying on the valuable and unique lessons of the Sacred Defense era, continues to assure the noble and great Iranian nation that it will defend the borders of this land against any threat, with its life on the line.


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