Ensuring Iran’s food security hinges on tech-based methods: MP

The Iranian government’s main approach to ensure the country’s food security relies on technology-based methods for agriculture and food production, said a member of the Parliament’s Agriculture Commission.
Talking to Iran Daily, Naderqoli Ebrahimi pointed to food security as one of the main fundamentals for national security and stated that a country enjoying food security has definitely guaranteed its national security.
The lawmaker added that countries which have dependence on other countries for food security will definitely face problems in terms of national security.
“Considering the importance of providing food security, our priority is to meet our needs by domestic production. The production surplus should be transferred to storages to be used as reserves for market regulation in times of need, or should be exported,” he noted.
Ebrahimi went on to say that this should be done through proper and integrated management because we have the potential to export surplus production, but the key point is that we should tune ourselves on sustainable export policies so that we can keep our export markets.
If the export of our products is carried out intermittently, the importing country notices that it cannot count on the continual import of the chosen product and therefore it shifts to buying products from other countries.
Referring to the emphasis of Iran’s Constitution on the necessity of gaining self-sufficiency, Ebrahimi said in the food security document of Iran that was approved three months ago, the three ministries of health, agriculture, and energy, along with other bodies will cooperate as the document refers to the provision of suitable and high-quality food as the right of every Iranian which should be provided.
“Gholamreza Nouri, the minister of agriculture, in his plans, has drawn attention to the seventh plan of the National Food Security Document and has put ensuring self-reliance in fundamental products and ensuring food security as well as improving productivity on the agenda,” the MP said noting that the minister has announced short-, medium- and long-term plans for solving the problems of the agricultural sector, production and providing the country’s food security.
With the suitable process that has been provided for the technology-based centers to join the agricultural sector, part of the country’s problems has been resolved in the field of mass production that require modern technology to improve productivity, he said adding that, “We must increase our efforts as we have a long way to go to fully meet the food needs of our individuals.”
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