’Karabakh Conflict: From Beginning to End’ hits bookstores

‘Karabakh Conflict: From Beginning to End’ hits shelves as Azerbaijan and Armenia near a peace deal. The book, written by former Iranian ambassador to Azerbaijan Mohsen Pak Ayeen, explores the roots of the Karabakh dispute and its regional and international implications.
Published by Farhang Sabz in 196 pages, the book offers understandings into the roles of Russia, the US, France, and Turkey in the conflict, as well as Israel’s maneuvers in the region.
It offers a review of the positions and actions of Iran’s Leader, Ayatollah Khamenei, and provides insights into the country’s involvement in the first and second Karabakh wars through the memoirs of Ayatollah Hashemi Rafsanjani. The volume also explores Tehran’s assistance to Baku throughout the dispute.
Dedicated to the late Ayatollah Raisi and his entourage including the late foreign minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, known for his advocacy for the territorial integrity of neighboring countries, the book is now available for purchase on the Farhang Sabz website.
A seasoned diplomat, Pak Ayeen has previously published his memoirs from his ambassadorial postings in Zambia, Uzbekistan, Thailand, and Azerbaijan.

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