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Number Seven Thousand Six Hundred and Seven - 20 July 2024
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Six Hundred and Seven - 20 July 2024 - Page 8

Iran, North Caucasus broaden tourism ties

Direct flights between Iran and the North Caucasus have sparked a new era in bilateral relations, with a tourism delegation from the region set to visit Iran next week.
This reciprocal visit follows an Iranian tourism delegation’s trip to the North Caucasus last year in October, ISNA wrote.
The upcoming visit, facilitated by an invitation from Iran’s private tourism sector, will see the delegation spend eight days exploring Tehran, Kashan, Isfahan, Shiraz, and Qeshm Island, starting July 22.
Asma Shojaei Baghini, a member of Iran’s Travel Agents Association and the manager of the travel agency facilitating the delegation’s visit, emphasized the potential for tourism exchange between Iran and the North Caucasus.
She highlighted the interest expressed by the people of Dagestan, who trace their roots to Iran, and the broader potential for the region as a new market for Iranian tourism.
The establishment of direct flights between Tehran and Grozny, the capital of the Chechen Republic, just a month ago, has been a pivotal development in facilitating travel between the two regions.
Shojaei underscored the importance of this direct connection in fostering stronger tourism ties and enabling the realization of mutual tourism potential.
The delegation, comprising representatives from eight travel agencies across the North Caucasus, along with officials from the “Caucasus RF” institute and government tourism representatives, will gain firsthand experience of Iran’s tourism offerings during their visit.
Shojaei also emphasized the broader benefits of familiarization tours, highlighting how they positively impact various sectors beyond just the tour organizers.
She expressed a desire for greater collaboration and support from both the private and public sectors in organizing such tours, acknowledging the long-term benefits for Iranian tourism.
With Western sanctions and the Ukraine conflict impacting Russia’s international travel landscape, the North Caucasus presents an opportunity for Iran to diversify its tourism markets and build on the growing interest from Russian and Chinese tourists.
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