Azerbaijan reopens embassy in Iran

Azerbaijan’s Embassy in Tehran has resumed work more than a year after a deadly attack that soured ties between the two neighbors, Iranian state media reported.
The official IRNA news agency on Monday announced the reopening of the embassy in a new location “following the negotiations between the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Republic of Azerbaijan.”
It added that the Azerbaijani ambassador and diplomats had also returned to Iran.
The Azeri website NEWS.AZ also on Monday quoted Azerbaijan’s Foreign Ministry as saying that its embassy in Iran had started work at a new address in Tehran.
“Iran has taken appropriate measures to ensure security in front of our new embassy building in compliance with its obligation on diplomatic protection,” the Azerbaijan’s Foreign Ministry said.
The Foreign Ministry said relevant measures are currently being taken to organize consular services at the new building.
In January 2023, a gunman stormed into Baku’s Embassy in Tehran, killing a diplomat and wounding two embassy security guards.
Tehran strongly condemned the attack, saying the motives for the violent action were “personal.”
In April 2023, Azerbaijan’s Foreign Ministry said it had notified the Iranian ambassador that four employees of the Iranian Embassy were declared personae non gratae.
Iran followed suit by expelling four Azerbaijani diplomats a month later.
The resumption of the embassy’s work will contribute to the further development of Azerbaijan-Iran relations based on mutual respect and good neighborliness, and the implementation of the agreements reached between the two countries, Azerbaijan’s Foreign Ministry said.
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