US not an ‘honest mediator’ in Gaza crisis: Iran

‘Unilateralism cannot provide solutions for problems’

Iran’s acting foreign minister says the United States is not an “honest mediator” in the issue of Palestine and Gaza as Washington is the biggest arm supplier to the Israeli regime.
Ali Bagheri Kani made the remarks in an interview with Newsweek and in response to a question about the role of the United States in ceasefire negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian resistance movement Hamas.
“We believe that, in this regard, the United States of America is not an honest mediator regarding the issue of Palestine and Gaza. And what is the reason for this claim? Because, today, the United States of America is the biggest and the most important country that is providing the Zionists with these state-of-the-art fatal weapons in order to kill the innocent and helpless people across Gaza and Palestine, including women, children and youths as well as elderly people,” Bagheri Kani said.
“If the Americans are honest about the mediation, it is not necessary for them to make a big deal, it would just be enough to stop the delivery of fatal weapons to Israel.”
Bagheri Kani said that definitely the United Nations Security Council, which is majorly in charge of ensuring and safeguarding global peace and security, should make use of all its potentials and capacities to stop Israel from continuing its atrocities and killings of the innocent people of Gaza, particularly women and children.
The top Iranian diplomat is in New York to take part in two debates at the UN Security Council (UNSC), which will discuss multilateralism and Palestine, respectively.
“The engagement and participation of the Islamic Republic of Iran at the highest level in these two United Nations Security Council meetings indicate the significance that the Islamic Republic of Iran attaches to multilateral mechanisms and to the pivotal role of the United Nations when it comes to establishing stability and promoting peace in the world.”

The Iranian official said that in recent years and on different occasions, it has been proved that unilateralism cannot bring about any solutions for the existing problems in the world.
“For instance, some years ago, in very tense negotiations, Iran as well as other countries reached a deal, which was called the JCPOA, the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, back in 2015. But it was this unilateralism that, without any logic, [US] withdrew from this international agreement and instead of following and being committed to a solution. This unilateralism created a kind of deadlock regarding this important issue,” he said.
He also cited the Israel’s ongoing genocidal war in Gaza as another consequence of unilateralism.
“Another example is the fact that it is for more than nine months that the Israeli Zionist regime is committing crimes, genocide and aggression against the people of Gaza. In this regard, the unilateralism, which is led by the United States of America, has not only failed in bringing a solution to this global issue and problem, but at the same time the US has been sending and delivering state-of-the-art fatal weapons to Israel in order to continue these atrocities, killings and genocide,” he said
“So, we believe that through multilateralism we are able to create a world that is more just, more transparent, more democratic and more stable,” the Iranian official said.

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