Ambassador: Joint film production represents cultural values of Iran, Tajikistan

The Iranian ambassador to Tajikistan, during an unveiling ceremony of the film ‘Fish in the Hook’, called the production of a joint film between the two sides a representation of the values of Iran and Tajikistan.
During the unveiling ceremony of the joint production of Iran, Tajikistan, and Russia, directed by Moheboddin Mozaffar, at the Tajik Film Institution, Alireza Haqiqian described the linguistic, cultural, historical, and civilizational fields between the two countries as strong foundations for strengthening and expanding relations between Iran and Tajikistan, IRNA reported.
He said that the production of a joint film can provide a new platform for representing the values and traditions, as well as be an effective means of preserving the common cultural and historical heritage of two sides.
The Iranian ambassador to Tajikistan, expressing gratitude to the Iranian and Tajik officials and filmmakers, said that fortunately, with the growth and strengthening of interactions between the two countries in recent years, the arena of joint film and series production has flourished, and “we are witnessing an increase in mutual cooperation in this area”.
Iran’s multilingual TV channel (IRIB) and Tajikistan TV signed a memorandum of understanding to initiate a collaborative film project in last October.
The agreement established a partnership among Dov Film in Tajikistan, Amkart in Russia, Tajik Film Company, and iFilm, representing the IRIB. They collaborated to coproduce the cinematic film titled ‘Fish on the Hook’.
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