Minister: Honoring cultural luminaries, a sign of reverence for civilization, heritage

Iranian minister of Cultural Heritage, Tourism, and Handicrafts said that honoring the elites in the field of cultural heritage is a manifestation of respect towards civilization, culture, and origins.
During the event celebrating prominent figures in cultural heritage at the Ministry of Cultural Heritage, Tourism, and Handicrafts, Ezatollah Zarghami said the focus of the event was on enhancing society’s heritage awareness, involving the youth, paying tribute to significant cultural figures, and ultimately safeguarding the traditions.
During the cultural event on Thursday, eight pioneers in the field of cultural heritage were honored in recognition of their years of service in this field, IRNA reported.
Cultural heritage is a unifying field, Zarghami stated, emphasizing the importance of roots and origins. According to him, “new growth is always connected to the root, and without preserving the roots, there can be no new growth”.
Zarghami further appreciated the establishment of the House for the Lasting Figures in the cultural heritage, emphasizing the importance of gathering pioneers regardless of political affiliations to engage in dialogue.
He concluded that unlike other fields that may have a political orientation, “archaeology is a sincere and impartial field”.
During the ceremony, notable figures such as Dr. Sadeq Malek Shahmirzadi (archaeologist), Dr. Abdolmajid Arfaei (researcher and expert in ancient languages), Dr. Ahmad Jalali (former Iranian Ambassador to UNESCO and academic member at Allameh Tabatabaei University), Dr. Fakhri Daneshpur Parvar (archaeologist), Dr. Mehdi Rahbar (archaeologist and researcher), Dr. Mohammad Mansour Fallamaki (pioneer in restoration and architectural education), Ahmad Montazer (restorer of historical artifacts and objects), and Behrouz Vojdani (music researcher and pioneer in cultural heritage) were among those honored.
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