Brazilian painter: Zionist lobbies control global art scene

Brazilian painter João Abido Galvão, who is holding an art exhibition in Tehran, believes that Zionist lobbies control the global art scene.
Galvão, known for his anti-imperialist stance, shared his views during an interview at the opening of his exhibition ‘The Sovereignty of Art Revolution and the Sovereignty of Revolutionary Art’ at Tehran’s Holy Defense Museum on June 11.
The exhibition features nine of Galvão’s paintings, all created on fabric, and centers around the interplay between art and revolution. The artworks reflect the emerging anti-imperialist forces in today’s world, illustrating how history repeats itself with art and revolution intertwined, Tasnim News Agency wrote.
Walking through the exhibition, visitors see large-scale fabric paintings characterized by the fusion of contrasting colors. Each piece typically employs two to three colors, symbolizing the connection and conflict between them.
The exhibition, running through June 24, features 20 pieces of fabric art critiquing imperialism and Zionism.
Galvão explained that his art transcends traditional Western art classifications. “Imperialist countries have fabricated art movements, but my work doesn’t fit into those categories,” he said.
He emphasized the resurgence of ancient civilizations like Iran and China, suggesting that these cultures are reclaiming their place in history.
Regarding his choice of fabric over canvas, Galvão cited the desire to break conventions and the practical aspect of transporting his works from Brazil to Iran. “Fabric allows for the freedom I seek in my art,” he noted.
In a previous exhibition in Moscow, Galvão’s style remained consistent, but he highlighted that his works for the Tehran exhibition were created specifically for the museum.
He believes that an artist’s emotions and expressions are in constant flux, resulting in evolving styles in future exhibitions.
Galvão also discussed the challenges he faces as an independent artist in Brazil, attributing the restrictions to the influence of Zionist lobbies. “Many countries, including Brazil, are heavily influenced by these lobbies, making it difficult for free and independent artists to thrive,” he said.
He praised Iran for its role in supporting the resistance movement, both in words and actions.
“The key to freedom for the resistance lies in the unity of countries advocating for it. Imperialism is collapsing, and the future belongs to the resistance,” Galvão concluded.
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