Iranian projects win big at RIBA International Awards

Jadgal Elementary School and Jahad Metro Plaza among winners

The Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) announced 22 winners in its International Awards for Excellence, including two projects from Iran.
The Jadgal Elementary School by DAAZ Office in the southeastern province of Sistan and Baluchestan and the Jahad Metro Plaza by KA Architecture Studio in Tehran were awarded for their innovative designs and community impact, wrote the British magazine Architecture Today.
Each winning project, all striving for innovation and better built environment, is now in the running for the fourth RIBA International Prize, to be announced in November. Launched in 2015, the bi-annual awards program celebrates projects that demonstrate visionary thinking, originality, and excellence of execution.
The Jadgal Elementary School features a circular walled site with naturally ventilated classrooms surrounding a central playground, which also serves as a community space. To achieve an earthquake-resisting structure, the building was made column-free, raised with polystyrene panels, galvanized iron profiles, and reinforced concrete.
In Tehran, the Jahad Metro Plaza has transformed a subway station entrance into a local landmark and social public space. The design includes mesh arches clad in 300,000 bricks made from local soil, creating a sculptural, welcoming and low-budget environment, according to Wallpaper newsletter.
“Supporting and working with architects and practices around the globe to promote excellence in architecture is central to RIBA’s purpose,” said RIBA President Muyiwa
Simon Henley, Chair of the RIBA Awards Group, added that each winning project makes an exceptional contribution to its local area and demonstrates a stimulating architectural response to RIBA’s stringent social, environmental, and design values.
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