US city adopts resolution calling for boycott, divestment of Israel

The Hamtramck City Council, in the US state of Michigan, unanimously passed a resolution Tuesday to support a pro-Palestinian movement calling for boycotts and divestment in an effort to end support for Israel in its war on Gaza.
City Council members described the resolution as a push to “stop the genocide” in Gaza and follows demonstrations by pro-Palestinian supporters in calls for a cease-fire and the move to set up encampments on college campuses.
“We are making history with this decision,” said Mayor Pro Tem Abu Musa. “... The American government, we are taking our tax money and sending to Israel and (that) money (is being used), killing innocent people, especially kids and women.”
The all-Muslim Hamtramck City Council passed the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions resolution 4-0.
Councilman Mohammed Hassan said his support for the resolution was motivated by his humanity rather his ethnic and religious affiliations.
“As a human, I’m supporting this resolution, not as a Muslim, no — as a human,” Hassan said. “... As an American administration, we are supporting (Israel) to kill the kids and the innocent people and (not letting) the medicine, food, water to go to a specific area.”
Passage of the resolution came as pro-Palestinian demonstrations have occurred and encampments have set up on college campuses across the United States. Encampments have been dismantled and cleared from several campuses.
Discord from last month’s violent attack on pro-Palestinian students and activists encamped at the University of California, Los Angeles, flared again on Tuesday as academic workers staged a protest strike on campus protesting UCLA’s response to the incident.
Unionized academic researchers, graduate teaching assistants and post-doctoral scholars at UCLA walked off the job over what they regard as unfair labor practices in the university’s handling of pro-Palestinian demonstrations in recent weeks, organizers said.
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