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Number Seven Thousand Five Hundred and Fifty Eight - 15 May 2024
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Five Hundred and Fifty Eight - 15 May 2024 - Page 7

Iran: Israel symbol of ‘organized terrorism’

Iran’s Foreign Ministry issued a statement on the anniversary of Nakba Day, describing Israel as an embodiment of “organized terrorism” that is engaged in war crimes and genocide against the Palestinian nation in violation of international law.
“The fake Zionist regime, which is a clear symbol of organized terrorism in the world, is adding a new page to its record of inhumane international crimes. The discovery of mass graves in Nasser and Al-Shifa hospitals in the Gaza Strip displays a horrible image of the brutal regime’s crimes against humanity,” the Foreign Ministry said on Tuesday. The statement was issued on the 76th anniversary of the illegal creation of the Israeli regime, known as Nakba Day (the Day of Catastrophe), on May 15, 1948.
More than 750,000 Palestinians were forcibly removed from their homeland.
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