More universities join global student protests against Israel

Protests in Iraq and Bangladesh were the latest in a wave of worldwide demonstrations in support of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, which have been inspired by the anti-Israel protests in the US universities since April 17.   
On Sunday, hundreds of Baghdad university students staged a demonstration in front of the university in solidarity with the Palestinian people and in support of the student movement at American and European universities. The demonstrators called for an end to the Israel’s war on Gaza and a boycott of companies that support Israel against the Palestinians.
Meanwhile, students of Dhaka University in Bangladesh staged a demonstration to protest the Israel’s aggression and the US government’s one-eyed behavior. Student protests against the Israeli military assault on Gaza have spread to many countries.
Demonstrators have gathered on at least 40 US university campuses since April 17, often erecting tent camps to protest against the soaring death toll in the Gaza Strip.
Nearly 2,000 people have been detained, according to US media, in demonstrations reminiscent of protests against the Vietnam War.
In recent days, police have forcibly dismantled several student sit-ins, including one at New York University at the request of its administrators.
Demonstrators barricaded inside Columbia University, the epicenter in New York of the student protests, complained of police brutality when officers cleared the faculty.
At the University of California, Los Angeles, hundreds of police emptied a camp, tearing down barriers and detaining more than 200 protesters.
Dozens of police in riot gear used chemical sprays to break up a pro-Palestinian encampment at the University of Virginia, student paper The Cavalier Daily reported.
Students also have staged protests in Iran, Lebanon, France, Germany, Canada, Australia, Ireland, Mexico and Switzerland.
They aim to put exert pressure on the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamine Netanyahu to end its brutal strikes on the Gaza Strip, which have killed more than 34,500 Palestinians since October.
Netanyahu is also facing mounting pressure in the occupied territories to reach a cease-fire deal with Hamas resistance group and end the conflict in the Gaza Strip.
Families of the captives being held by Hamas since October 7in Gaza along with opponents of the ongoing war in the Palestinian territory, have been staging weekly protests against Netanyahu and its cabinet members in recent months.
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