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Iran urges OIC states to cut ties, sanction Israel

Iran has presented six proposals to the Muslim countries in order to exert pressure on Israel to end its atrocities against Palestinians, especially those who are under the regime’s relentless strikes in the besieged Gaza Strip.
Addressing the 15th Heads of State and Government Summit of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) in Gambia’s capital Banjul on Saturday, Iran’s Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian urged Muslim countries to cut all relations with the Israeli regime as means of pressuring Tel Aviv to end its ongoing genocidal war on the Gaza Strip.
He also called for the establishment of an immediate and permanent cease-fire in all parts of Palestine, removal of blockade of Gaza, exchange of prisoners, complete withdrawal of Israeli troops from Gaza and imposing an arms and trade embargo against the regime.
“Beyond doubt, this time period will also pass by, despite all its hardships and adversities for the Palestinian nation,” he said.
“However, the manner and quality of the role that is played by us, Muslim states, in the face of this crisis will go down in history,” the top diplomat added.
“Undoubtedly, severance of diplomatic and economic ties and [imposition of] practical arms and trade embargo [on Israel] serves as an important means of cessation of its genocide in Gaza and atrocities in the West Bank and the Noble al-Quds.”
At least 34,654 people have been killed in Gaza since October 7, when the Israeli regime began the war in response to al-Aqsa Storm, a retaliatory operation by the coastal sliver’s resistance groups.
Despite the unabated campaign of bloodshed and destruction, the regime has so far fallen short of realizing its goals, including defeating Gaza’s resistance, causing forced displacement of the territory’s entire population to neighboring Egypt, and enabling the release of those who were taken captive during Al-Aqsa Storm.
Amir-Abdollahian said Gaza’s developments proved that elimination of the Palestinian resistance “was nothing but an illusion.”
“Because the Israeli regime is not a legitimate government. It is only an occupying apartheid power,” he said, adding, “Passage of time is not going to lend legitimacy to an occupying power.”
The foreign minister asserted that realization of sustainable peace and security in the region was only possible through cessation of the regime’s occupation of Palestine, Syria, and Lebanon, return of the Palestinian refugees to their homeland, and manifestation of Palestinians’ right to self-determination.
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