Iran’s monthly foreign trade up around 48%: IRICA

Iran’s foreign trade registered about 47.63 percent hike in the first month of the current Iranian year (March 20 to April 22).
The country’s foreign trade, including the crude oil, gas condensates, techno-engineering services and electricity included, reached $10.42 billion during the month to April 22, showing a 47.63 percent growth compared to the same period last year, IRNA reported.
In the period, Iran exported $7.68 billion worth of products. In return, the country imported $2.74 billion worth of goods, the report added.
Iran’s trade balance, with the crude oil, gas condensates, techno-engineering services and electricity included, turned positive as much as $4.94 billion in the first month of the current Iranian year (started March 20).  
According to the report, Iran exported $4.18 billion worth of crude oil, gas condensates and fuel oil from March 20 to April 22.
In addition, 9.7 million tons of goods were exported from the country between March 20 and April 22.
China, Iraq, the UAE, Turkey, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Oman were of Iran’s main export target markets in the first month of the current Iranian calendar year.
Regarding the foreign goods transited from the country, the report added that 1.6 million tons of foreign products were transited through the Iranian land and territory in the first month of the current Iranian year.

Iran-EU’s trade up
30%: Eurostat
Also, according to the statistical office of the European Union (Eurostat), the trade between Iran and 27 EU members has grown by 30% in February 2024 compared to the same month last year.
In February, Germany’s exports to Iran grew by 46 percent while Italy’s import of products from Iran showed a 96-percent hike.
The figures also show that the value of trade exchanges between Iran and 27 EU member states in January and February 2024 reached €847 million, showing an eight-percent increase compared to the last year’s corresponding period.
The EU members have imported €144 million in goods from Iran in January and February 2024, indicating a three percent growth compared to the same period in 2023.
Italy’s import of non-oil products from Iran in February 2024 has doubled, the Eurostat added.
German exports to Iran in February this year grew by 46 percent and reached €141 million as France’s exports to Iran have also increased by 37 percent to €33 million.
According to Eurostat, Romania’s exports to Iran in February 2024 witnessed an eye-catching rise compared to the same period last year and increased from €2.5 million in February last year to €57 million in February in 2024.

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