TPO to dispatch 11 commercial attachés to Africa

The head of the Trade Promotion Organization of Iran (TPO) said the organization will send 11 more commercial attachés to Africa to strengthen trade and economic ties with African states.
Mehdi Zeyghami pointed to the necessity of launching a regular flight line, especially to West and South Africa and noted that his organization is determined to expand trade and economic cooperation with African countries, reported Tasnim New Agency.
He put the current number of the Iranian commercial attachés in Africa at three.
Speaking at the 2nd International Iran-Africa Conference, the deputy minister of industry pointed out that achievements obtained at the first summit of Iran and West African states last year led to good agreements between the two sides on international trade.
Iran is hosting the representatives of more than 30 African states in the second edition of the International Iran-Africa Summit, he said, adding that the TPOI has taken effective steps for holding this summit in cooperation and interaction with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ambassadors of the African countries to Iran and also representatives of Iran in African countries. Getting familiar with the export potentials of the Islamic Republic of Iran has been put on the agenda of the summit, Zeyghami emphasized.
Iran’s chambers of commerce and economic activists will exchange their views with their foreign counterparts at the event, he continued. The TPOI chief stressed the need to increase Iran’s economic ties with African states and noted that the economy of the country and many African countries are complementary.
Zeyghami expressed hope that the 2nd International Iran-Africa Summit and the 6th Export Potentials Exhibition of the Islamic Republic of Iran will boost trade and economic ties between Iran and African countries significantly.
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