Tehran, Hanoi can raise bilateral trade to $3b: MP

By Sadeq Dehqan &
Reza Abesh Ahmadlou

Staff writers

Referring to the growing trend of trade and economic exchanges between the two countries,
The head of the Iran-Vietnam Parliamentary Friendship Group said achieving the $3 billion target for bilateral trade between the two countries in a medium-term period (five-six years) is possible.
“Talking to Iran Daily, Jalil Rahimi Jahanabadi explained about the economic exchanges between the two countries in recent years saying that the volume of exchanges had an upward trend before the epidemic of the corona virus in the world, as the figure had reached about $600 million, but the pandemic of COVID-19 reduced the volume of exchanges, so that this figure reached $200 million post-Corona.
“By removing the obstacles related to the commercial and economic cooperation of the two countries and banking issues, it is possible to realize the common economic and commercial prospects and goals,” the MP noted.
Cooperation with Vietnam is important in order to develop the economic development that this country has experienced in the past few years, he said adding that for several years, Vietnam has had an economic growth of over 7.5%, which is considered a good economic growth rate in the world.
“Also, this country has a successful performance in the commercial field at the world level as the volume of trade of the country is $750 billion per year. The country enjoys a significant number of population which can be a good market for export products.”
Jahanabadi described the current situation of political relations between Iran and Vietnam well adding that the East Asian country has a very positive political position in international issues due to the experience that it had during the American occupation.
“Several visits have been made by officials of the two countries including the visits of the speakers of the two countries and many economic delegations from Iran and Vietnam to the two countries.”
According to him, the signing of several memorandums of understanding on cooperation in various fields between Iran and Vietnam shows that there are friendly relations between the two sides.
As the head of Iran-Vietnam Parliamentary Friendship Group, I traveled from Iran to Vietnam heading an economic delegation, the lawmaker  said adding that during the visits the removal of commercial and banking obstacles caused by sanctions against Iran was discussed to establish financial mechanisms for boosting economic sectors of the two countries.
Regarding the fields of joint cooperation between the two countries, he explained: In the field of dry fruits and other agricultural products, medical goods, handicrafts and tourism cooperation, exchange of scholars, training of manpower and in the field of electronics, the two countries can extend their cooperations.

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