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Number Seven Thousand Five Hundred and Forty - 23 April 2024
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Five Hundred and Forty - 23 April 2024 - Page 8

US-Israeli scenario ...

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Washington views Israel as the linchpin of its regional policies in West Asia, with negotiations with Saudi Arabia primarily aimed at safeguarding Israel’s security and influence in the region. However, the underlying objective is evident: US plans entail Israel’s dominance in West Asia, a move intended to bolster its global standing in geopolitical rivalries and the restructuring of the global order.
Given this context, the failure of Arab-US negotiations to broker a Gaza cease-fire comes as no surprise. Arab leaders often overlook the fact that all Islamic nations of the region are viewed as adversaries by the US due to their opposition to Israel. As a result, they pose a threat to US interests. The scope of such enmity varies, but the common thread is clear.
If the Palestinian resistance groups, Iran, and the axis of resistance are at the forefront of the American-Israeli tug-of-war, it will trickle down to weaken other Arab countries in the region. This could involve exerting economic pressure, limiting access to new technologies, sparking internal unrest, fomenting regime change, and even leading to the disintegration of these nations in favor of Israel, thereby shaping the new Middle East.
This blueprint for a new Middle East, favoring Israel and the West, is underway, with the Gaza conflict serving as a pivotal piece. The cessation of hostilities in Gaza will not halt this agenda. US talks for political and security pacts between Arab states and Israel are a tactic to buy time to advance pro-Israel policies in the region gradually. The surge in US military aid to Israel underscores this strategy.
Regional Arab players must resist the incremental implementation of the US-Israeli agenda. Elevating the Palestinian cause to a collective regional concern can act as a deterrent to the envisioned American-Israeli Middle East. Making the Gaza conflict a proxy war between Iran and Israel is a calculated move to sideline the Palestinian plight, enabling America to pursue its agenda in West Asia with Arab states as tactical pawns.
Organizing a new Islamic summit can reinforce the primacy of the Palestinian issue in the Islamic world. Iran and influential Arab stakeholders should persist in diplomatic efforts for peace in the Gaza Strip. Collective political initiatives supported by all Islamic nations can pave the way for progress.
Leveraging global public opinion can serve as a barrier against potential American and Israeli attempts to obscure the Gaza conflict and fully occupy Palestinian territories. This shared Islamic goal should unite both Arab and non-Arab nations in safeguarding the Palestinian cause.

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