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Number Seven Thousand Five Hundred and Thirty Two - 14 April 2024
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Five Hundred and Thirty Two - 14 April 2024 - Page 5

Concluding remarks

While the world watches the ongoing assault on Gaza, broadcasted globally, and witnesses the profound devastation inflicted upon the Palestinian people, Israel’s deadly imagination regarding destructive and unlimited warfare becomes evident. The Lavender system, characterized by the depersonalization of individuals, emerges as another inventive method of extermination. This dehumanizing tactic erases the intrinsic value and dignity of human life.
As AI and robotics become increasingly integrated into warfare, they have the power to redefine our approach to conflict in the future. However, it is imperative that we question the necessity of proceeding down this path. Instead, the adoption of such technologies should prioritize the protection of human life, aiming to minimize casualties and civilian harm, rather than perpetuating further dehumanization. In the narratives of futuristic books, films, and media, a timeless battle appears between AI and humanity. Yet, what unfolds before us today is a stark departure from fiction — a chilling reality where humanity wields AI as a weapon against itself, against its own kin, or rather, against certain peoples defined by their national origin and belonging to a group. The use of Lavender in Israel’s military campaign on Gaza not only evokes profound ethical and legal concerns but also strikes at the very core of human dignity. By reducing individuals to mere data points and relinquishing human judgment in favour of mechanized decisions, these technologies strip away the essence of humanity, leaving behind a desolate landscape where lives are measured in statistics, devoid of intrinsic worth and value. This serves as yet another piece of evidence of Israel’s lawless and brutal war policy. One must question: what will be the tipping point in humanity’s struggle against its own dehumanization?

The article first appeared on Opinio Juris.

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