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Number Seven Thousand Five Hundred and Thirty One - 13 April 2024
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Five Hundred and Thirty One - 13 April 2024 - Page 3

Aras Dam, a sanctuary of life and progress

Aras Dam, situated over the Aras River, lies 35 kilometers west of Jolfa, in Ghezel Gheshlagh, West Azarbaijan Province. With a history spanning thousands of years, the river has witnessed numerous fluctuations. Over the centuries, poets have immortalized the river in verse, alternately praising its beauty and chastising its temperament, making it a beloved subject in Azarbaijani culture, particularly in the soothing lullabies of mothers. The construction of Aras Dam stands as a monumental achievement, representing one of the nation’s most significant electricity-hydraulic endeavors, forged in partnership with the Republic of Azerbaijan during the 1970s.
The southern bank of the river boasts a vibrant coastal promenade where throngs of visitors revel in the river’s allure during the summer months, partaking in boat rides and kite flying. Today, local investments have transformed the area, offering visitors quaint traditional restaurants where artisanal bread is baked, and hosting local festivities such as Araz fishing and kite-flying competitions. Furthermore, a tourism camp stands ready to cater to guests, providing essential services overseen by the cultural heritage organization.
Aras Dam Lake, positioned atop the Aras River, 40 kilometers from Jolfa on the Iran-Azerbaijan border, experiences scorching summer temperatures of up to 40 degrees Celsius and frigid winter lows of -20 degrees Celsius.
Encompassing a vast expanse of 15,000 hectares, Aras Dam Lake reigns as Iran’s largest reservoir formed by a dam. This artificial lake, nestled in northwestern Iran, teems with biogenetic materials and sustains a diverse array of freshwater fish species, making it a hotspot for tourism and angling pursuits. Noteworthy inhabitants of the lake include common carp, grass carp, big head fish, Capoeta, Asp, and Barbel, with the lake serving as the primary source of aquaculture in West Azarbaijan Province.
The lake’s bounty supplies markets nationwide with an abundance of freshwater delicacies at the onset of each fishing season.
The river in this region exhibits a minimum discharge of 339 cubic meters per second, while its flow peaks at 2,240 cubic meters per second. Notably, the environs surrounding the Aras River and Aras Dam Lake serve as vital habitats for the globally significant greater white-fronted goose population, with 3,000 of these majestic birds finding sanctuary in the wetlands of West Azarbaijan Province, particularly along the margins and the lake behind Aras Dam. This thriving ecosystem underscores the province’s suitability for this species’ conservation.
Aras Dam boasts four Kaplan turbines, two on each side, each generating 11 megawatts, totaling 44 megawatts, revolving at 187.5 rounds per minute to yield a production capacity of 22 megawatts on Iran’s side. The construction of this reservoir aims to bolster agricultural water supply in the region and facilitate electricity generation, marking a pivotal contribution to the area’s development and sustainability.

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