Iran, Malaysia sign MoU in rice research field

A memorandum of understanding (MoU) was signed between Iran’s Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO) and Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute to promote long-term cooperation in the rice research field.
During a visit by a Malaysian agricultural delegation to the research institutes of Iran’s agricultural sector, AREEO chief Mojtaba Khayyam-Nekouei said that senior officials of the two countries are determined to broaden their cooperation in the fields of trade and economy, reported Tasnim News Agency.
The two countries are expected to upgrade their readiness for cooperation in various fields in the agricultural sector, the deputy minister of agriculture emphasized.
Khayyam-Nekouei further noted that the average rice consumption in Malaysia is about three times that of Iran.
Iran’s Ministry of Agriculture is ready to launch cooperation with Malaysia in the field of rice research, he added.
It is expected that relations between Iran and Malaysia will expand in various agricultural sectors, especially in the fields of education, research and extension of agriculture, the AREEO chief noted, according to Mehr News Agency.
Khayyam-Nekouei also announced the launch of a joint production line in producing vaccines for aquatics in Malaysia.
The organization is ready to cooperate with Malaysia in the field of research activities on livestock production, the official added.
He termed his organization as the largest and leading agricultural research organization in the Middle East, and noted that it benefits from the cooperation of more than 1,800 scientific figures.
For his part, Mohamad Sabu said that the two countries have high potential in the field of agriculture and can boost their bilateral cooperation in this field.
Malaysia is ready to establish cooperation with Iran in producing genetically modified chicken and pineapples, as well as the cultivation of rice, he added.
Cooperating in the field of development of investment opportunities, launching joint research cooperation, and expanding cooperation in the implementation of joint research projects were the main topics discussed between the two parties.


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