Tehran, Yerevan to cooperate in construction of Nurduz-Agarak Bridge

The chief executive of the Iranian Company for Construction and Development of Transport Infrastructure (CDTIC) said that Iran and Armenia will cooperate in constructing the Nurduz-Agarak Bridge.
Kheirollah Khademi made the comments in a meeting with the deputy minister of infrastructures and digital development of the Republic of Armenia at the 18th Iran-Armenia Joint Economic Cooperation Commission, IRNA reported on Sunday.
The development of the international transport corridors between the two countries, construction of tunnels and technical infrastructures as well as exporting the technical-engineering services were among the main topics discussed by the two sides.
Currently, the International North-South Transport Corridor (INSTC) is under construction in Armenia, and Iran is designing the corridor for developing the transit of goods and passengers from the Persian Gulf to Georgia and the Black Sea region.

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