Bright future in Iran-Pakistan relations

By Seyyed Reza Sadroddini
Middle East affairs expert
Iran’s foreign minister has traveled to Pakistan and the secretary of the Supreme National Security Council is scheduled to visit Iraq, in line with Iran’s policy of strengthening relations with neighboring countries. Iraq and Pakistan are among the neighboring countries which have good relations with Iran, and it seems that the trips by the Iranian officials to these countries are aimed at developing relations between Iran and these countries, as the three countries still have capacities for expansion of relations.
Tehran and Islamabad have a lot in common in the economic, political and cultural fields. The two countries have a long common border of 900 kilometers, which can be an opportunity for the two countries. The two Islamic states share many views on the major issues of the Islamic world, including the issue of Palestine.
However, both Tehran and Islamabad are aware that there are ill-wishers who are awaiting an opportunity to create tensions between the two countries. Considering long and good neighborliness and relations between the two countries, it seems that Iranian and Pakistani officials have overcome a brief tension created between the two neighbors and are looking to the future.
Pakistan’s ambassador to Tehran has recently said that the time is ripe for turning a new leaf in bilateral relations. His remarks indicate that the two countries are determined to shape a better future in their relations.
Iran’s products and energy can meet a part of Pakistan’s needs. Both countries also can reach agreement on Iran’s investment in Pakistan’s various projects. Pakistan’s agricultural products can also explore new markets inside Iran.
Therefore, Iran’s top diplomat’s visit to Pakistan can be considered a political-economic trip to stabilize and develop relations between the two neighbors. Tehran and Islamabad are both scarred by terrorism – the issue that has brought closer the two countries for more cooperation in the fight against terrorism. Israel’s criminal actions in Gaza have created a complicated situation in the region. As one of the pillars of stability in the Middle East region, Iran has had various consultations to counter efforts by trans-regional powers to disturb the stability of the region. Therefore, the visit by Iranian officials to Pakistan and Iraq should be evaluated in this regard. Especially, the recent developments in the region, such as the Israeli genocidal acts in Gaza, have confirmed Tehran’s positive role.

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