Gender distribution in births shows 52% boys born in nine months

IRNA – Iran’s Civil Status Registration Organization revealed that 52% of newborns in the country this year are boys, marking a slight increase in the birth of male infants during the nine-month period from March 21 to December 21.
According to the data from the organization and the National Population Monitoring Center, out of the total births during this period, 51.8% were boys, while 48.2% were girls.
The organization reported a total of 798,550 registered births in the country from the beginning of the Iranian calendar year (March 21) until December 21. Tehran Province had the highest record of births, with 99,633 newborns, while Semnan Province recorded the lowest with 5,201.
The report also detailed that out of the total births, 36.4% were firstborns, 38.9% were second-born, 17.6% were third-born, 5.1% were fourth-born, and 2% were fifth-born.

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