Over 98% of Yadavaran oilfield’s flare gases collected

More than 98 percent of flare gases of the Yadavaran oilfield have been collected and sent to NGL 3200 plant, said the development plan director on Monday.
Mojtaba Moradi Enayat added that less than two percent of produced gases are burnt off due to safety measures and operations of the Central Treatment Export Plant (CTEP), the Petroleum Engineering and Development Company (PEDEC) reported.
Flare stacks burnt the bulk of Yadavaran oilfield’s associated petroleum gas (APG) until January 2023, he said, the gas delivery to the Persian Gulf Hoveyzeh Gas Refinery (NGL 3200 plant) started as the facility was gradually run.
Given the round-the-clock efforts made by the PEDEC employees, the downstream unit was completed and gas compressors were put into operation, making it possible to transmit around 120 million cubic feet (mcf) of gas to NGL 3200 plant, inject some 20 mcf into the field, and shut down the flare.

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