Tehran, Havana keen to boost cooperation in ICT sector

Officials from Iran and Cuba emphasized enhancing cooperation in the field of Information and Communications Technology (ICT).
In a meeting with First Deputy Minister of Communications of Cuba Wilfredo González Vidal, Iran’s Minister of ICT Issa Zarepour stressed the readiness of Iranian ICT firms to participate in the IT market of Cuba, IRNA reported.
He noted that Iran is willing to share its experiences and know-how with the Latin American country in the fields of developing communication infrastructures, promoting electronic government (e-government), and launching mega data centers.
Zarepour pointed to the significance of the development of relations with Cuba, saying Tehran and Havana share commonalities that can be used to broaden ties in all areas, especially in the field of communications and information technology.
He also referred to the unilateral US sanctions imposed against the two countries, and said these sanctions have created opportunities for Iranian companies to increase their indigenized knowledge and know-how.
Turning to the high capabilities and potentials of Iranian companies in different ICT sectors, the minister pointed out that Iranian ICT companies are ready to cooperate with Cuba in various fields such as the development of communications infrastructures, launching various platforms, implementation of the optical fiber project, and helping Cuba enhance its communications network from 2nd and 3rd generations to 4th generation.
Zarepour referred to the fruitful experiences of Iran in the field of e-government, and said it can share its experiences with the Cuban government in this regard.
The Cuban first deputy minister of communications, for his part, said his country attaches great importance to its relations with the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Since Iran has good experiences in the ICT field, Cuba is interested in enhancing cooperation with Iranian firms for the development of its ICT infrastructures, he added.

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