Iran’s Kalhor, American Yo-Yo Ma to stage joint concert

Renowned musicians Kayhan Kalhor and Yo-Yo Ma are set to perform a joint concert.
Kalhor, a well-known kamancheh (an Iranian spiked fiddle) virtuoso, and Yo-Yo Ma, an American cellist of Chinese descent, will perform a joint concert accompanied by the Orchestra of the Americas, a Grammy-winning Latin symphony orchestra consisting of musicians aged 18 to 30.
The concert is scheduled for June 11 at the Hill Auditorium of the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, Michigan, US.
Kalhor will showcase his new compositions for double concerto for cello and kamancheh during the performance.
Prior to this collaboration, Kalhor and Yo-Yo Ma released an album titled ‘Sing Me Home’ with their group, the Silk Road Ensemble.

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