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Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Seventy Five - 03 January 2024
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Seventy Five - 03 January 2024 - Page 3

Abyaneh village: Red emerald of Iran in the heart of Isfahan Province

Situated at an elevation of approximately 2,300 meters to 2,700 meters above sea level, nestled on a mountain, is the magnificent castle of Abyaneh village. This village, located in Isfahan Province, is a respectable neighbor of Kashan and is known for its unique red-stepped homes and mud-brick lanes. It is truly a sight to behold and leaves a lasting impression on anyone who visits.
Abyaneh village holds a special place in the hearts of Iranians, as it is considered a must-see destination in all of Iran. The village is often referred to as ‘the red emerald of Iran,’ thanks to its stunning reddish hues that adorn every corner. Walking through the village feels like stepping back in time, with its old homes, elderly residents, and vibrant gardens that are bursting with colors amidst the desert backdrop.
The architecture of Abyaneh village is a true testament to its rich history. The red clay homes, mud-brick buildings and mosque create a mesmerizing blend of past and present. To delve deeper into the village’s heritage, a visit to the Abyaneh Anthropology Museum is highly recommended. Here, traditional items, attire, textiles, and weaving equipment are showcased, providing valuable insights into the local culture.
One of the highlights of visiting Abyaneh village is interacting with the friendly locals. As you stroll through the picturesque town, you will come across warm greetings from the villagers, dressed in their traditional garb, who often sell their products. Their dedication to preserving customs and language, which still contains words from the Parthian era, is truly remarkable. However, it is always polite to seek their permission before taking photographs.
In addition to immersing yourself in the village’s charm, there are several activities to enhance your visit. Explore the historic fire temple, Harpaak, known for its architectural style. Make sure to visit the Jaame (Grand) Mosque, which dates back to the eleventh century and boasts a magnificent walnut wood-carved mihrab adorned with floral patterns and calligraphy. A leisurely stroll to the opposite bank of the river beneath the village offers breathtaking views of the homes and landscape.
Abyaneh village welcomes visitors throughout the year due to its temperate climate. However, spring, especially the month of May, is considered the best time to visit. The scenery is breathtaking, and you can witness the Rosewater Festival held in Kashan, which is renowned for its souvenirs. The air is fresh and cool during this season, making it even more enjoyable to explore the village.
Located on the northwest slopes of the Karkas Mountains, Abyaneh village is conveniently located along Iran’s traditional tourist route. Its proximity and accessibility make it an ideal destination for a half- or full-day visit. The village’s architecture, ethereal beauty, and welcoming community make it an unforgettable experience for travelers from around the world.
As you embark on your journey through Abyaneh village, be prepared to be captivated by its rich history, stunning architecture, warm hospitality, and the magical dance of colors that bring this ancient village to life.


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