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Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Seventy Five - 03 January 2024
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Seventy Five - 03 January 2024 - Page 3

Narcissus flower cultivation in Mazandaran Province is opportunity for growth

The delightful scent of narcissus, also known as the flower of the cold season, is currently filling the air in various cities across Mazandaran Province. The cultivation of this beautiful and fragrant flower has experienced a significant increase in recent years, with its cultivation area expanding annually.
It is a traditional view that products like narcissus can only be sold in street markets and flower shops and do not contribute to job creation or income. This mindset has hindered the development of agricultural and horticultural products in Mazandaran Province for years, preventing valuable opportunities from reaching their full potential in the regional economy, IRNA wrote.
The recent Narcissus Flower Festival in Kord Kola village of Juybar received a positive response from the public and officials. Producers displayed and sold bunches of narcissi at the festival, attracting both flower enthusiasts and those interested in purchasing narcissus bulbs. However, the lack of processing industries and potential products derived from this flower was also apparent.
Governor of Mazandaran, Seyyed Mahmoud Hosseini Pour, emphasized the need for producers to establish cooperative units and collaborate more closely with the Ministry of Agriculture. This would create opportunities for state support in the areas of export, marketing, and processing, enabling the industry to thrive.
The city of Juybar serves as the main hub for narcissus production and has been hosting the Narcissus Festival for several years. It boasts the largest area under narcissus cultivation in the province, with approximately 66 hectares out of 100 hectares of narcissus gardens in Mazandaran.
Babak Momeni, the head of the Agricultural Organization of Mazandaran Province, highlighted the significance of narcissus production for the economy of Mazandaran Province from two perspectives. He believes that, on one hand, the narcissus flower has the potential to generate income and boost the region’s economy; on the other hand, the novelty of this activity presents a suitable opportunity for targeted development and direction.
Momeni also referred to the challenges in such production opportunities in Mazandaran Province, stating that the process involves cultivation followed by marketing, and in the best-case scenario, the product is sold on the streets and in flower shops. However, a sudden price drop often occurs after a while, leading to the product being forgotten until the next year.
Discussing ways to make the economy of narcissus cultivation in Mazandaran Province flourish, he emphasized the importance of farmers considering producing narcissus flowers. He highlighted the potential for increasing agricultural income by integrating the production of narcissus flower bulbs into the crop rotation of rice and wheat, provided that the process is handled correctly.


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